Practices > Organising Data > Analyse Data
How to analyse your data?
Manipulating your data is a great way to try to extract their secrets. Sorting by different data objects, looking for patterns, can help you to see what different factors affect a point of interest, or help you to trace connections.
It can also be very useful to visualise your data during your analysis. This can help you to see patterns in a way that staring at a spreadsheet or sorting columns in a database might miss.
You can learn more about analysing data using these resources:
- This chapter from the Data Journalism Handbook gives an example of approaching a dataset with specific queries to generate a story
- This section on Telling Stories with Data from Exploring the Invisible Decoding Data Guide discusses how to search within data to generate stories with integrity
- This article by Moushan Zer-Aviv in Exploring the Invisible Decoding Data Guide is an excellent critical look at using network visualisation to understand what is happening in a dataset